Ambedkar House London forum - A consortium to Promote Ambedkar Thought, celebrated 128 Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar at Ambedkar House London, Kings Henry Road Chalk Farm, London NW3 3RP. Her Excellency, High Commissioner of India, UK and many senior Ambedkarites from UK were present during the LAUNCH OF AHL forum led by Mr. Satpal Muman  and  Mr. Shekhar Bodhakar, to pay tribute to Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. 

AHL Forum Mission Statement:

1) To promote legacy, memory and ideals of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar by holding public events, conferences and seminars firstly at Ambedkar House London (AHL), 10 King Henry's Road, London NW3 3RP elsewhere thereafter

2) To undertake such other activity to increase the strength of AHL Forum through encouraging likeminded individuals and organisations to join AHL Forum

3) To carry out such other activity for the effective functioning of AHL to serve the larger public interest

Speech by Mr. Satpal Muman (Chair, AIM):

Closing speech by Mr. Ranjit Baudh: 

Sharing some moments along with Forum AIMs:

High Commissioner arriving at AHL

L: Mr. Satpal Muman
M: Her Excellency, Hi
gh Commissioner of India,
 R: Mr. Shekhar Bodhakar

Forum AIMs:

Author: Piyush Chauhan

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