Why the scheduled castes and tribes are not Hindu?

Mr. M.K. Gandhi may have been somewhat right on this occasion. That would've been a welcoming side effect but wasn't the aim of separate electorates

In a letter to PM Ramsay Mcdonald in Sept 1932, Mr. Gandhi wrote,

"In the establishment of separate electorates at all for the 'depressed classes', I sense the injection of poison that is calculated to destroy Hinduism."

People from the scheduled castes and tribes who believe deprivation of their right to separate electorate was a great injustice but continue to call themselves Hindus ARE THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITES IN INDIAN HISTORY.

If Separate Electorates had been implemented as was legally decided, NO PERSON FROM THE SCHEDULED CASTE WOULD HAVE BEEN CALLED A HINDU.

That's why Dr. Ambedkar said "Gandhi is the greatest enemy the untouchables ever had"

Author: Shekhar Bodhakar

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